The official site for the Town of Patterson

Patterson Town Hall
1142 Route 311
Patterson, NY 12563

- Announcements -

Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Town of Patterson Planning Board of a public hearing to be held on March 6, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Patterson Town Hall, 1142 Route 311, Patterson, Putnam County, New York to consider an application entitled “John D’Alessandro Wetlands/Watercourse Permit Application” for the construction of a three-bedroom, single-family residence and associated improvements. The property is Lot #10 of the Stone Hedge Estates Subdivision. The proposed construction will create 0.5 acres of disturbance, with about 0.27 acres of that disturbance being within the Town regulated 100’ wetland buffer. A section of the house and a large portion of the driveway are proposed within the wetland buffer. The currently vacant 2.40± acre property is located on Tammany Hall Road (R-4 Zoning District); the road from which access to the property will be gained from. All interested parties and citizens will be given an opportunity to be heard in respect to such application.

By Order of the Planning Board
Ron Taylor, Chairman

Autism Awareness Walk

Rabies Clinic

Fraud Awareness

Adopted Town Budget
The Adopted Town budget for 2025 can be found on the Town Board page.
Notice to Alpine Water District
Pursuant to the Lead Service Line inventory mandated by the State Department of Health, the Town is conducting a survey. If you live in the Alpine Acres subdivision and are in the Alpine Water District, you may access the survey here: .

Putnam Lake Water Quality Report
The Town has obtained the completed study on the Putnam Lake bottom sediments. The report is available on the Putnam Lake Park District page within the Water Quality section.
Message from NYSEG

New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E), are reminding customers to be aware and informed about potential scammers, and to never give personal information to callers or individuals they cannot authenticate as a NYSEG or RG&E representative. While scams are ongoing throughout the year, the company has noted more aggressive tactics being used this spring.

More information can be found in the press release.

Patterson Town Hall

I am pleased to announce that the Town Board on June 14, 2023 approved re-opening Patterson Town Hall to the public. Individuals conducting business within the various departments will be permitted in the building to visit that department, based on the availability of staff. ~ Appointments are encouraged ~

Rich Williams,
Town Supervisor

2023 MS4 Report



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Town of Patterson has prepared an MS4 Annual Report for the period ending on March 9, 2023. The Annual Report has been prepared pursuant to the NYSDEC General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (GP-0-10-002) and is available for review at or at the offices of the Planning Department at Patterson Town Hall, PO Box 470, 1142 Route 311, Patterson, New York. Comments on the Annual Report will be received by the Planning Department at the above-mentioned address or by e-mail at until Wednesday, May 25, 2023.


NYSDEC Cleanup of Kessman Landfill
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) will be performing remedial action at the Cross-County Sanitary / Kessman Landfill site under New York State’s Superfund program. Work is scheduled to begin this Spring. Details may be downloaded here.
NYS Consumer Assistance Webpage
The NYS Department of Public Service has valuable winter preparedness resources for consumers such as controlling heating costs, consumer protections, energy efficiency and winter safety, as well as links to state and utility financial assistance programs. Visit:

Standard Workday Resolution
The Standard Workday Resolution document may be downloaded here.
Military Tribute Banners

Budget Bill S. 8006/A. 9006
Governor Hochul's budget includes legislation which would significantly affect the Town of Patterson and its land use policies. Correspondence from Supervisor Williams to NYS Senator Harckham may be downloaded below.

ADU from Budget
Harckham ADU letter 2-15-22
Harckham TOD letter 2-15-22
TOD from Budget

NYSEG Rate Increase
Click here for a message from NYSEG.

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. The document may be downloaded here.

Town Email Notification List
Town residents can receive notifications about blasting at the Peckham Quarry by signing up for the email notification service, which is available on the Town Board webpage.
EZ Pass

Section 8 Vouchers
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal housing program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program provides housing assistance to renters with low to moderate income in the form of rental subsidies.

The Putnam County Housing Corporation (PCHC) Carmel, New York in accordance with regulations outlined by the New York State Homes & Community Renewal, Statewide Section 8 Voucher Program, Section 8 Administration Plan April 26, 2021, will reopen the Section 8 waiting list for all income eligible individuals and families. Details are available here.

Putnam Lake Notice

Putnam Lake was designated as an “impaired waterbody” due to excessive nutrients (phosphorus), algae, and poor water clarity, which could impact recreational uses in the lake. Total phosphorus concentrations in Putnam Lake are 50 percent greater than the average concentration found throughout the Lower Hudson region.

NYS DEC has prepared an action plan to deal with Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB). The report can be found here.

The NYS DEC report on wastewater collection and treatment can be found here.

NYSEG Warning: Scams Calls
Customers have reported receiving automated calls from “NYSEG” telling them that their electricity will be shut off later that day. The customer is instructed to call back to prevent this. The callback numbers, which vary, answer with “NYSEG automated service line,” and prompt you to press 3.

These calls are not from NYSEG and are an attempt to scam residents and businesses.

Some precautions to take to avoid falling victim to a scam:

  • Always type NYSEG’s Web address when making an online payment at Do not rely on email links. While at, you can also check your account balance and any past-due amount status.
  • When making a payment by phone, always ensure that you are dialing NYSEG phone numbers: 1-800-572-1111 (customer service); 1-888-315-1755 (payment arrangements) or 1-800-600-2275 (self-service line). You can also check your account status by phone.
  • Do not make any payments over the phone to anyone who has contacted you or asked you to dial a different number.
  • Never provide your Social Security number, credit card number or bank information to anyone requesting it (over the phone or in person) unless you initiated the contact and feel confident that the transaction is legitimate.
  • NYSEG does not ask customers to purchase debit cards (like Green Dot cards) to make payments.
  • If you have fallen victim to a scam, immediately contact the Federal Trade Commission and your local police.
Recycling News
Town of Patterson Returned Check Policy
A returned check fee will be charged to a payee for a payment made by check to the Town of Patterson that is not honored. The amount of the fee will be $20, or the amount charged to the Town, whichever is greater. The amount of the original payment, along with the returned check fee, must be made by cash, bank check or money order. This policy is to be posted in all departments that accept payments by check.
By Order of the Town Board.
Town Hall Emergency Number

An after-hours voice mailbox has been created for town emergencies that require the notification of a town official. To use the system, call the main Town Hall main number at 845-878-6500 and request mailbox #32 at the prompt. The Town Hall phone system will contact a town official after you leave your message.

Please remember to dial 911 for all emergencies requiring police, fire, or emergency medical assistance.

FOIL Requests (Freedom of Information Law)
FOIL requests are handled by the office of the Town Clerk. Requests for information must be made in writing, either by submitting a FOIL Request Form to the Town Clerk or by submitting an electronic request via the link on the Town Clerk information page. Contact the office of the Town Clerk for more information.

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©2001-2024 The Town of Patterson
Patterson Town Hall
PO Box 470
1142 Route 311
Patterson, New York 12563
(845) 878-6500